Gamma Upsilon (Graduate) - Air Capital Ques


    Welcome Omegas, Community Partners, and Friends:


         The men of Gamma Upsilon Graduate Chapter and Epsilon Psi Undergraduate Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated consider it an honor and privilege to welcome you to our website. Since December 1949 and January 1968, respectively, the men and young men in each Chapter have encapsulated our beloved Fraternity’s Four Cardinal Principles of Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift.


         I am humbled, honored, and thankful to the Chapter for allowing me to serve as Basileus as we charge forward to celebrate our 75th Chapter Anniversary. My commitment to service and advancing the will of the Brotherhood is something I will always hold near and dear to my heart. 


         The Chapter will operate with the mindset of a L.E.A.D.E.R.!  Every day we will get up ready to LEAD ourselves and those around us and do so boldly; we will do it with ENTHUSIASM, if we are not excited about what we do for the community, why should anybody else; we will do it with a good ATTITUDE, some days are better than others, but we will choose how we confront all adversity; and DEVELOP ourselves and those around us, as we ENDEAVOR to do great things locally and the greater Wichita area, and never forget to RESPECT each other, especially when things get tough and do not go as planned. 


         Please return and check our website for updated information on upcoming events, programs, and scholarships.




    Johari “J.” Hemphill

    Basileus, Gamma Upsilon Chapter